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Markdown Syntax

Basic Syntax

Quail uses GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec as the basic syntax for writing posts. Please refer to the GFM spec for more details.

The syntax guide of Markdown Guide is also a good reference.

Extended Syntax

Some syntaxes are not supported by GFM, but are supported by Quail, they are listed below. You can also check out the live demo

Most of following syntax are currently rendered in the web browser only, and cannot be displayed in Email.


Equations and Formulas

  • If you want to write equations and formulas in your post, please make sure you have enabled the MathJax render at the post options.
  • inline equations and formulas are not supported yet. Please use the block equation instead.
\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}